April 20, 2009 - SWIM
2800 yds. pyramid - I felt great when I got to the pool, but not so great in the pool. I'm not sure what happened, but I felt like it was just really really hard to swim today. I'm not sure if my form was off or what, but it was not a pretty swim.
April 21, 2009 - BIKE
1:34 LT ride - This was a hard frustrating workout. I couldn't get my HR up and I felt like I was working super hard. However, with the help of James Bond, I managed to get through it and even sort of hit my intervals.
April 22, 2009 - SWIM
2150 yds. variable 200s - This swim was awesome. I felt great in the water and was even complimented on my speed. Apparently I'm fast when compared to white haired people.
April 23, 2009 - RUN+SWIM
40 min. tempo - I was lazy last night and didn't run after work, so I woke up early and was running by 4:45am. *yawn* I had a really hard time getting my HR up again. I can't decide if I'm being lazy or what. It was nice to have a short quick run though.
2800 yds. aerobic intervals - This workout went great. My 300s felt strong and were consistent. Kicking for 300 yds takes me a long time. I think I might be a lazy kicker. My lats and triceps are tight so I need to remember to stretch them tonight.
April 24, 2009 - RUN
1:45 long steady run - I really struggled with this workout. I was lazy on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon and didn't do it then, so I decided it would happen this morning. I woke up feeling super tired and had to talk myself into heading out. I've had a little bit of tendinitis in my left shin and was sore, but knew it would feel better while I was running. I started running and just couldn't get going. My legs didn't want to work and mentally I was just tired. When I decided to stop, I felt relief and actually smiled. Not sure if I should have kept going or not, but oh well...
April 25, 2009 - BRICK
2:30 ride+20 min. run - This workout did not go as planned. Sherry and I were going to meet up at Raab and ride out to the lake for a few loops. However, when we noticed the weather and the thunderstorms heading directly for us, we decided to hit the trainers in her basement. We watched "Casino Royale" and actually made it through the entire 2:30 and then headed out with Howard for a 20 min run in the hot humid weather. Definitely not what was planned, but it got done and I completed my 13th week of no missed workouts.
April 26, 2009 - REST
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
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