March 23, 2009 - SWIM
2550 yd. sprint workout - This workout ended up being 3050 yds and I'm definitely feeling it. I also feel very slow. It took me 1:10 to do the workout, but the 750 yd warmup with drills and kicking took a good 20 min. Anyways, it's done.
March 24, 2009 - BIKE
Lactate ride 1:09 - I was planning on running but then the wind and downpours started and I really hate running in the rain so I decided to get the bike workout done instead. These lactate rides are dripping in sweat want to puke your guts out tough, but I'm actually starting to enjoy them. There is a sense of accomplishment knowing that I can get off the bike drenched in sweat and know that I just pushed myself through a tough workout. I was actually thinking about the hills in Boise during the workout so maybe this will help out on race day.
March 25, 2009 - RUN+SWIM
Long run 1:20 - My legs were trashed from my hard ride last night. I really wanted to stay in bed, but finally got up and headed to the fieldhouse. I struggled through the warmup but once the intervals started, I was feeling better. I got through the 4th interval and was so ready to be done, but decided to at least get the 5th interval done and then I could bail on the cooldown. I thought about Boise again and decided to push through and ended up finishing the workout feeling better than I thought. My legs are definitely done though.
I didn't have a swim workout on training peaks this morning, so I seriously debated on actually going to the pool. I did go and I did swim, but I didn't do any drills or anything. I just swam 2300 yds and it felt glorious.
March 26, 2009 - SWIM
Today was another no workout for the swim in my e-mail, so I made up my own. I ended up doing 2000 yds of lots of drills, kicking, formwork, etc. I struggled to get out of bed and go, but was glad that I made it to the pool when I started doing my 25s.
March 27, 2009 - RUN+RIDE
Ramp ups 45 min. - I didn't want to wake up this morning, but after lying in bed for awhile and considering the workouts and realizing that I was probably awake for the day, I got up and headed to the track. The workout went fine. My blisters were fine. I did notice my HR went up and down pretty quick which was new and different, but nothing too exciting. Now I need to come up with a movie to watch during my long ride tomorrow.
Long ride 2-2:30 hours - I loaded up Oscar and headed over to the Hills to do this ride. Sherry and I watched a couple of movies and I have to say that having someone else riding at the same time definitely made the time pass much faster. Thanks Sherry!
March 28, 2009 - RUN
This was an optional run for me and apparently I should have skipped it since I had the runs after this run all weekend, as well as adding in some throwing up. It was grand...
March 29, 2009 - REST
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
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