This week's goal is to achieve a better performance in the swim time trial than I achieved in the week 6 time trial...basically maintaining an equal pace over a longer distance. I will probably be switching my rides around because my dad and I are riding together on Monday and Wednesday, so I may end up doing my longer ride on one of those days, or maybe even Thursday.
June 2, 2008
BIKE - This morning, my dad and I took the bikes out for this workout. We left at 6:15am and it was a bit chilly. We rode up to the foothills and then proceeded to ride up and down the hills for about 55 min. Then, we rode home. My average HR was 133, but I burned 924 calories, so I'll take it. I'm still riding high on the win from Saturday, so it felt great to get on the bike and ride.
Long hill climbs 6x5min (1 h 20 m) - 5 min. climbing intervals at threshold/VO2 max intensity with 3 m. active recoveries; warm-up and cooldown long enough to reach total time
June 3, 2008
RUN - Today turned into a rest day. I decided to move my swim to tomorrow morning this morning, because I couldn't wake up this morning. I was going to run after work, but just couldn't seem to generate the energy. I think I may be able to fit this workout in on Sunday, but we'll see how it goes.
Lactate intervals 10x1min (44 min) - 1 min. intervals run at VO2max intensity with active recoveries equal to intervals in duration; warm up and cooldown long enough to reach total time
June 4, 2008
SWIM - This swim workout did not go well at all. In fact, I couldn't even finish it. I got to the pool right at 5am, and the pool was pretty empty. I started with my warm-up and felt okay, but then I started my drills and just struggled through them. I was dreading the lactate intervals. I made it through 3 of them, but on the last 25 of the 4th 75, I totally crashed. I couldn't keep going. I wanted to, but I had nothing left. I'm so frustrated because this is my third build week and I need to get these workouts in.
Warm-up (300), Drill set (8x25), Base intervals (6x100), Lactate intervals (9x75, 45 s. rest), Sprint intervals (6x25, 20 s. rest), Kick set (8x25), Cooldown (300) - Total 2425 yds.
BIKE - I skipped this ride yesterday and opted for another rest day. I actually slept for 3 hours yesterday afternoon, so I guess that maybe I needed the rest.
Foundation ride (1 h. 45 m.) - steady ride at moderate aerobic intensity
June 5, 2008
SWIM - I also skipped this workout this morning, mostly because I think I might have got a total of 3 hours of sleep last night. Apparently my nap was not the best idea.
Warm-up (300), Drill set (8x25), Threshold intervals (6x200, 45 s. rest), Sprint intervals (4x50, 20 s. rest), Kick set (8x25), Cooldown (300) - Total 2400 yds.
RUN - I am still struggling to find the energy for any workouts. I didn't run, but my dad and I did take the bikes out and rode for about an hour. I tipped over, but had no injuries, so I'm okay with that. I'm planning on my swim workout tomorrow and while I'm not sure if I'll get the entire ride in, I do plan on getting a bike ride in.
Foundation run (55 min) + Strides (6x20s)
June 6, 2008
SWIM - I actually made it to the pool this morning and did the entire workout. My lats were definitely tired and I could feel them with every pull, but I finished, so I guess that is a small victory. My warm-up took 8:34, and I was definitely taking it slow. The time trial took 35:16, but I'm pretty sure that there was an extra 50 yds in there. The cooldown was probably the best part of the workout; it took 6:16. Apparently, it took 2000 yds to get warmed up. Wow...I just looked up my time trial time from week 6, and it was in 28:??. I was super slow today, which makes sense considering the week that I've had, but I'm pretty disappointed in myself.
Warm-up (350), Time trial (1650), Cooldown (350) - Total 2350 yds.
June 7, 2008
Celebrate Providence 5K - I'm thinking that I'll run from home over to the 5k and then back home after the race to fit in my long run.
RUN - I woke up this morning feeling rotten, so I decided to skip the run to the race. My mom and sister-in-law and I ran the 5k and I think my time was 28:04, which I'm okay with. My legs felt like crap (like the worst they've ever felt) through the whole race and I really just wanted to stop and sit down on the curb, but I kept going. I think I ended up coming in 4th in my AG.
Long run (1 h. 30 m.) - long steady paced run at moderate aerobic intensity
BIKE - Because my legs are feeling so awful, I'm thinking that I'll just let this workout go. The weather is rotten and I will have to ride on the trainer if I do end up doing it. Maybe tonight?
Long ride (3 h.) - long steady ride at moderate aerobic intensity
June 8, 2008
REST/STRETCH/CORE - Today is definitely a stretching day. My body is so tight and uncomfortable. I'm hoping that with some good stretching, I'll be feeling ready to start another week of training tomorrow.
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
1 day ago
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