Wow...I haven't written on this blog since February...that's sad. Actually, I think I've kind of gotten out of the habit of being online. I rarely sit down at the computer unless it's absolutely necessary. What a switch that's been since I was working and was in front of a computer most of my day. Probably that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Anyways, since it's the last day of 2012, I thought I should look back at my goals and see what I've done with them. I sucked this year! I didn't accomplish a single goal that I set for myself. That's a little depressing. However, I did accomplish alot this year and I think that I should focus on that. So, here's what we've been up to...since February.
Spring - Tim and I were just talking about how fast 2012 went. He asked what we did. I told him we spent the entire spring working on the Land Cruiser, getting it ready for Cruiserfest. We literally spent as much time as possible from March until he left in June doing Land Cruiser stuff. I also spent lots and lots of time on my church calling.
June - Tim went to Cruiserfest and actually won "Best Overland Cruiser" in the Show n' Shine. Apparently, all our work and money paid off. I went to Youth Conference in Salt Lake City. I worked in our garden. We grew corn, peas (which the dogs ate before we picked any), onions, tomatoes, peppers, green beans, pumpkins, zucchini, crookneck squash, miniature corn and maybe some other stuff. It was a big garden.
July - Rylan went to Scout Camp for the first time and loved it. He came home wearing the same clothes he wore the entire time he was there. I'm pretty sure the clothes could have walked around by themselves at that point. Kyra and I went to Girls Camp at Maple Rise. It was BLAZING hot! I worked in our garden.
August - I canned lots and lots of green 100 quarts of green beans. We made freezer jam. I made salsa. I have no idea how much we canned, but that's what I did all month long.
Fall - I don't remember what we did this fall. Mostly we just were busy. Tim's job has been swamped. The kids were busy with soccer and swimming and life. I started running again and remembered how much I love it. I started going to the temple with some good friends every other week. I had a girls weekend in Salt Lake in November.
Christmas was great. My parents surprised us with a trip to DisneyWorld in January. The kids are thrilled. Christmas afternoon I started with the flu and was literally in bed for 5 days. Not the best way to end the year, but hey, at least it's over and done with.
So, while I totally sucked at achieving my goals this year, I did accomplish quite a bit. I'll take it and be glad to have a new start tomorrow.
Happy New Year!
Friday Funny 2417: Fitness Funnies
19 hours ago